Tips Mencari Liburan Seru Temukan Destinasi Ideal untuk Anda

Liburan adalah waktu yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh banyak orang. Ini adalah kesempatan untuk melarikan diri dari rutinitas sehari-hari, menjelajahi tempat baru, dan mengisi ulang energi. Namun, memilih tempat liburan yang tepat bisa menjadi tantangan tersendiri Untuk membantu Anda, berikut adalah beberapa tips yang dapat membuat pencarian liburan Anda menjadi lebih seru dan mudah.

1. Kenali Minat dan Hobi Anda

Langkah pertama dalam mencari liburan yang seru adalah mengenali minat dan hobi Anda. Apakah Anda seorang pecinta alam yang menikmati hiking dan camping? Atau mungkin Anda lebih suka suasana pantai dan olahraga air? Dengan memahami apa yang Anda sukai, Anda bisa lebih mudah memilih destinasi yang sesuai. Misalnya, jika Anda penggemar kuliner, destinasi seperti Bali atau Tokyo bisa menawarkan pengalaman gastronomi yang tiada tara.

2. Tentukan Anggaran Anda

Sebelum mulai merencanakan liburan, penting untuk menetapkan anggaran. Mengetahui berapa banyak yang bisa Anda habiskan akan membantu mempersempit pilihan destinasi dan aktivitas. Anda bisa memilih antara liburan mewah atau budget-friendly, tergantung pada anggaran Anda. Pastikan untuk memperhitungkan biaya transportasi, akomodasi, makanan, dan aktivitas selama liburan.

3. Riset Destinasi

Setelah mengetahui minat dan anggaran Anda, langkah selanjutnya adalah melakukan riset tentang berbagai destinasi. Internet adalah sumber informasi yang sangat berguna untuk menemukan informasi mengenai tempat-tempat menarik, cuaca, dan ulasan dari wisatawan lain. Cobalah untuk membaca blog perjalanan, menonton video destinasi di YouTube, atau bergabung dengan forum perjalanan. Ini akan memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang apa yang bisa Anda harapkan dari setiap tempat.

4. Pertimbangkan Waktu dan Musim

Waktu dan musim juga mempengaruhi pengalaman liburan Anda. Jika Anda merencanakan perjalanan ke negara dengan musim dingin, pastikan untuk mengecek cuaca dan membawa pakaian yang sesuai. Di sisi lain, jika Anda berkunjung ke destinasi tropis, siapkan diri untuk cuaca panas dan lembap. Selain itu, perhatikan juga musim liburan atau festival lokal yang mungkin berlangsung selama waktu kunjungan Anda, karena ini bisa memberikan pengalaman yang unik.

5. Periksa Pilihan Akomodasi

Akomodasi adalah salah satu faktor penting dalam menentukan kenyamanan liburan Anda. Pilihlah tempat menginap yang sesuai dengan preferensi dan anggaran Anda. Apakah Anda lebih suka tinggal di hotel bintang lima, villa pribadi, atau hostel yang lebih ekonomis? Pastikan untuk memeriksa ulasan dan rating dari tamu sebelumnya untuk memastikan kualitas tempat tinggal yang Anda pilih.

6. Buat Itinerary dan Rencana Aktivitas

Setelah menentukan destinasi dan akomodasi, buatlah itinerary atau rencana aktivitas. Ini membantu Anda memaksimalkan waktu liburan dan memastikan Anda tidak melewatkan tempat-tempat menarik. Jangan lupa untuk memasukkan waktu istirahat dalam jadwal Anda agar liburan tetap menyenangkan dan tidak melelahkan. Pertimbangkan untuk memasukkan kegiatan yang berbeda, seperti wisata budaya, petualangan alam, atau tur kuliner.

7. Siapkan Dokumen dan Perizinan

Jika Anda merencanakan perjalanan ke luar negeri, pastikan untuk memeriksa dokumen yang diperlukan seperti paspor, visa, dan vaksinasi. Beberapa negara mungkin memiliki persyaratan khusus yang perlu dipenuhi sebelum Anda bisa memasuki wilayah mereka. Memastikan semua dokumen sudah siap dan memenuhi syarat akan mencegah masalah yang tidak diinginkan selama perjalanan.

8. Pertimbangkan Paket Wisata

Jika merencanakan liburan secara mandiri terasa rumit, Anda bisa mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan jasa agen perjalanan atau membeli paket wisata. Paket wisata sering kali mencakup transportasi, akomodasi, dan aktivitas, sehingga Anda tidak perlu repot-repot mengatur semuanya sendiri. Ini juga bisa membantu Anda menemukan penawaran menarik dan menghemat biaya.

9. Perhatikan Kesehatan dan Keamanan

Selalu utamakan kesehatan dan keamanan selama liburan. Pastikan Anda membawa obat-obatan yang diperlukan dan menjaga kebersihan diri. Selain itu, perhatikan juga aturan dan regulasi setempat terkait keamanan dan kesehatan. Mengikuti tips keamanan dasar dan mematuhi petunjuk lokal dapat membantu Anda menikmati liburan dengan lebih tenang.

10. Bersikap Fleksibel dan Terbuka

Akhirnya, tetaplah fleksibel dan terbuka terhadap perubahan rencana. Terkadang, hal-hal tidak berjalan sesuai dengan rencana, dan itu adalah bagian dari petualangan. Cobalah untuk menikmati setiap momen dan jangan terlalu stres jika ada hal-hal yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan.

Dengan mengikuti tips ini, Anda akan lebih siap untuk menemukan liburan yang seru dan menyenangkan. Selamat merencanakan liburan dan semoga perjalanan Anda penuh dengan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan!

Bisnis Internasional



Bisnis Internasional adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk bisnis yang melibatkan minimal dua negara, Bisnis ini dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah maupun swasta, Bisnis internasional semakin banyak dipelajari mengingat manfaat mempelajari bisnis internasional dalam kemajuan suatu bisnis dan usaha. Berikut ini adalah manfaat mempelajari bisnis internasional :

Baca Juga :

1. Mengetahui perkembangan bisnis negara lain

Bisnis internasional melibatkan beberapa negara. Perkembangan bisnis internasional bahkan bisa melibatkan keseluruhan bisnis dunia. Hampir setiap bisnis, baik perusahaan besar ataupun pengusaha kecil dapat di pengaruhi dengan mudah karena adanya peristiwa global. Produk dari negara lain juga bisa menjadi pesaing dalam perdagangan, sehingga sangat penting manfaat mempelajari bisnis internasional. Jika perusahaan tidak mengetahui perkembangan bisnis maka perusahaan akan kesulitan dalam mengembangkan bisnis. Perusahaan yang tidak mengenal pesaingnya dengan baik juga bisa melakukan kesalahan dalam mengambil strategi yang dapat berakibat pada penurunan profit dan jumlah konsumen.

2. Mengetahui cara memperluas jaringan

Jaringan dan interaksi sangat penting dalam pertumbuhan internasional. Manfaat mempelajari bisnis internasional juga bisa mengetahui cara dan langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan oleh seorang pebisnis untuk memperluas jaringan. Perusahaan dan organisasi saling berinteraksi satu sama lain. Dalam lingkup yang lebih luas interaksi tersebut akan menghasilkan jaringan. Jaringan dapat menghasilkan keuntungan komersial dalam bisnis.Jaringan dan interaksi antar bisnis sangat diperlukan untuk memahami jaringan global yang bekerja. Jaringan ini dapat menjadi hubungan kerjasama yang menguntungkan antar perusahaan dan antar negara. Interaksi akan menghasilkan pertukaran informasi hingga pengetahuan yang berguna bagi masing-masing pihak

3. Mengenal kebijakan perdagangan

Setiap negara memiliki kebijakan perdagangan yang berbeda-beda. Ketika perusahaan mulai memperluas penjualan produknya hingga ke negara lain, perusahaan harus mengikuti kebijakan yang berada di negara tersebut. Ada banyak pengusaha yang masuk ke pasar internasional namun gagal karena tidak bekerja sesuai dengan perjanjian dagang atau kebijakan perdagangan negara lain. Pengusaha sangat penting untuk manfaat mempelajari bisnis internasional sehingga mengetahui berbagai kebijakan yang berbeda dari negaranya sehingga bisa mengurangi resiko kerugian yang bisa timbul. Pengusaha juga harus memahami bahwa terkadang ada pembatasan impor dan ekspor di negara lain, sehingga pengusaha harus mengikuti aturan tersebut. Jika pengusaha tidak mengetahuinya maka pengiriman yang mereka lakukan dapat di blokir oleh negara yang bersangkutan. Manfaat mempelajari bisnis internasional juga memberi informasi mengenai produk yang sesuai bagi negara tertentu.

4. Mengetahui produk yang sesuai

Setiap negara hidup dengan kebudayaan nya dan dapat berbeda dengan kebudayaan dari negara lain. Pengusaha harus memahami hal ini sehingga dapat menyediakan produk yang sesuai bagi negara lain. Produk yang digemari di negaranya belum tentu digemari di negara lain. Mengetahui hal ini maka pengusaha dapat secara maksimal melakukan bisnis karena telah mengetahui yang di inginkan pasar.

5. Mengenal aktivitas bisnis

Ada beberapa aktivitas utama yang menjadi karakteristik bisnis internasional yaitu invisible trade, visible trade dan investasi internasional. Invisible trade adalah perdagangan dalam bidang jasa. Usaha ini dapat meliputi travel, bank dan sebagainya. Visible trade adalah perdangangan berupa barang yang berwujud, bisa meliputi makanan, minuman atau kerajinana.

Investasi internasional atau international investment meliputi portofolio investment, Foreign Direct Investment, Warabala, lisensi dan management contract. Setiap kegiatan memiliki ciri yang berbeda. Portofolio investment merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan pengusaha dengan membeli aset keuangan dari luar negeri. Aset keuangan tersebut dapat berupa obligasi, saham atau sertifikat deposito. Pembelian tersebut dilakukan dengan berbagai tujuan kecuali pengawasan. Foreign Direct Investment merupakan investasi untuk mengawasi kepemilikan secara aktif. FDI juga mengawasi host country secara aktif. Waralaba adalah kegiatan dimana pihak lain diberi hak untuk menggunakan teknik operasi hingga merk perusahaan. Management contract adalah kegiatan dimana perusahaan lain dapat mengoperasikan fasilitas atau menyediakan jasa yang sesuai dengan kesepakatan pada perusahaan yang berdiri di negara lain. Lisensi adalah ijin penggunaan kepemilikan intelektual.

6. Mengembangkan Perusahaan

Manfaat mempelajari bisnis Internasional selanjutnya tentu adalah untuk mengembangkan perusahaan. Banyak usaha yang bermunculan yang dapat menjadi pesaing bagi pengusaha. Disamping itu ada pengaruh globalisasi dalam jalannya sebuah usaha. Setiap negara juga memprioritaskan ekonomi nasional namun tetap memperhatikan investasi dan perdagangan luar negeri sebab hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi ekonomi dalam negaranya. Manfaat mempelajari bisnis internasional, pengusaha dapat mengenal berbagai alat dan teknik bisnis terbaru yang dapat meningkatkan usahanya dengan efektif. Itulah manfaat mempelajari bisnis internasional

Manfaat Menuntut Ilmu

Manfaat Menuntut Ilmuadalah suatu pemahaman yang di peroleh manusia melalui penemuan atau penelitian yang tersusun secara sistematik dan bisa di uji melalui beberapa metode tertentu, serta dapat di manfaatkan untuk kehidupan manusia. Ilmu merupakan kunci utama manusia dalam menjalani kehidupan di bumi. Sadar atau tidak, segala hal yang kita lakukan dalam kehidupan sehari hari pun tidak bisa lepas dari ilmu. Kita butuh pemahaman untuk melakukan suatu tindakan bukan? Itulah fungsi dasar dari ilmu.

Dengan mengikat pada suatu ilmu, seseorang mampu melakukan hal yang di anggap bermanfaat bagi dirinya dan orang lain dengan impelementasi (penerapan) pengetahuan yang di miliki. Manfaat ilmu tidak hanya di rasakan oleh perorangan aja akan tetapi lingkungan sekitar bahkan masyarakat luas dapat terkena percikan manfaat dari ilmu yang di miliki seseorang.

Berikut penjelasannya.

Baca Juga :

1. Mampu membedakan Benar-Salah

Manfaat menuntut ilmu seseorang tidak akan tertangkap pada perbuatan atau tindakan yang salah. Kemungkinan untuk melakukan tindakan salah karena pengaruh dari orang lain juga sangat kecil. Orang ber ilmu akan punya landasan hidup yang kuat serta selalu berusaha menempatkan diri pada posisi yang ia anggap tepat.

2. Bermanfaat Hingga Wafat

Setelah manusia mati (wafat) maka terputus sudah segala hal keduniawian pada dirinya. Hakikatnya manusia akan meninggalkan segala bentuk urusan yang terjalin pada manusia secara otomatis ketika mati. Dengan ilmu yang di tinggalkan atau di sampaikan, seseorang akan terkenang sampai kapanpun. Istilah menulislah maka kau akan abadi adalah bentuk dari proses penularan ilmu melalui tulisan. Ilmu yang terdapat di dalam tulisan tersebut akan selalu bermanfaat bahkan setelah penulisnya wafat.

3. Sarana Menuju Surga

Kelak pada kehidupan berikutnya manusia akan menempati suatu ruangan bernama surga. Lalu bagaimana bisa ilmu di sebut sebagai sarana surga? Tentu sudah di paparkan pada poin pertama bahwa dengan ilmu seseorang bisa membedakan hal yang benar dan hal yang salah. Dengan pengetahuan akan kebenaran, manusia yang berpikir normal pasti akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin menjauhi tindakan atau perbuatan yang di anggap salah bukan? Kebenaran itu lah yang akan menghantarkan seseorang menuju tempat yang bernama surga.

4. Meninggikan Derajat Manusia

Derajat atau tingkatan manusia akan terangkat dengan ilmu atau pengetahuan yang di miliki. Entah di mata Tuhan atau dalam pandangan sesama manusia, orang yang berilmu senantiasa mendapatkan penghormatan yang baik. Bahkan seseorang yang berada proses menuntut ilmu pun sudah mendapatkan pandangan positif dari lingkungan sekitar.

5. Hal yang Berharga selain Harta

Dalam kehidupan ini manusia menganggap bahwa harta dan kekayaan adalah 2 hal yang paling berharga. Lalu apakah ada hal lain yang memiliki nilai lebih di banding harta dan kekayaan? Jawabannya tentu ada. Apa hal yang mempunyai nilai lebih dan paling berharga di muka bumi ini selain Manfaat Menuntut Ilmu? Harta dan kekayaaan yang melimpah akan membuat seseorang berusaha menjaga supaya harta tersebut tidak hilang. Berbeda dengan ilmu yang mampu menjaga diri manusia serta dapat mendatangkan harta.

Seseorang yang kaya saja tidak akan bisa bertahan pada keadaan melimpah yang ia jaga. Akan tetapi orang berilmu yang mampu mengolah keadaan yang dapat mendatangkan harta secara berkesinambungan dalam jangka waktu lama dengan pengetahuan yang ia miliki.

Entrepreneur: What It Means to Be One and How to Get Started

Entrepreneur: What It Means to Be One and How to Get Started

Entrepreneur: What It Means to Be One and How to Get Started – Learn about the challenges facing entrepreneurs as they start new businesses

What Is an Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate needs and bring new ideas to market. Entrepreneurship that proves to be successful in taking on the risks of creating a startup is rewarded with profits and growth opportunities.

Key Takeaways

  • A person who undertakes the risk of starting a new business venture is called an entrepreneur.
  • An entrepreneur creates a firm to realize their idea, known as entrepreneurship, which aggregates capital and labor in order to produce goods or services for profit.
  • Entrepreneurship is highly risky but also can be highly rewarding, as it serves to generate economic wealth, growth, and innovation.
  • Ensuring funding is key for entrepreneurs: Financing resources include Small Business Administration loans and crowdfunding.
  • The way entrepreneurs file and pay taxes will depend on how the business is set up in terms of structure.

Why Are Entrepreneurs Important?

Entrepreneurship is one of the resources economists categorize as integral to production, the other three being land/natural resources, labor, and capital. An entrepreneur combines the first three of these to manufacture goods or provide services. They typically create a business plan, hire labor, acquire resources and financing, and provide leadership and management for the business.

Economists have never had a consistent definition of “entrepreneur” or “entrepreneurship” (the word “entrepreneur” comes from the French verb entreprendre, meaning “to undertake”). Though the concept of an entrepreneur existed and was known for centuries, the classical and neoclassical economists left entrepreneurs out of their formal models. They assumed that perfect information would be known to fully rational actors, leaving no room for risk-taking or discovery. It wasn’t until the middle of the 20th century that economists seriously attempted to incorporate entrepreneurship into their models.

Three thinkers were central to the inclusion of entrepreneurs: Joseph Schumpeter, Frank Knight, and Israel Kirzner.1 Schumpeter suggested that entrepreneurs—not just companies—were responsible for the creation of new things in the search for profit. Knight focused on entrepreneurs as the bearers of uncertainty and believed they were responsible for risk premiums in financial markets. Kirzner thought of entrepreneurship as a process that led to the discovery of opportunities.

Fast-forward to today, entrepreneurs commonly face many obstacles when building their companies. The three that many of them cite as the most challenging include overcoming bureaucracy, hiring talent, and obtaining financing.

What Are Different Types of Entrepreneurs?

Not every entrepreneur is the same and not all have the same goals. Here are a few types of entrepreneurs:


Builders seek to create scalable businesses within a short time frame. Builders typically pass $5 million in revenue in the first two to four years and continue to build up until $100 million or beyond. These individuals seek to build out a strong infrastructure by hiring the best talent and seeking the best investors. Sometimes, they have temperamental personalities that are suited to the fast growth they desire but may make personal and business relationships difficult.2


Opportunistic entrepreneurs are optimistic individuals with the ability to pick out financial opportunities, get in at the right time, stay on board during the time of growth, and exit when a business hits its peak.

These types of entrepreneurs are concerned with profits and the wealth they will build, so they are attracted to ideas where they can create residual or renewal income. Because they are looking to find well-timed opportunities, opportunistic entrepreneurs can be impulsive.2


Innovators are those rare individuals that come up with a great idea or product that no one has thought of before. Think of Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg. These individuals worked on what they loved and found business opportunities through their vision and ideas.

Rather than focusing on money, innovators tend to care more about the impact that their products and services have on society. These individuals are not the best at running a business as they are idea-generating individuals, so they often leave the day-to-day operations to those more capable in that respect.2


These individuals are analytical and risk-averse. They have a strong skill set in a specific area obtained through education or apprenticeship. A specialist entrepreneur will build out their business through networking and referrals, sometimes resulting in slower growth than a builder entrepreneur.2

4 Types of Entrepreneurship

As there are different types of entrepreneurs, there are also different types of businesses they create. Below are the main different types of entrepreneurship.


Small business entrepreneurship refers to opening a business without turning it into a large conglomerate or opening many chains. A single-location restaurant, one grocery shop, or a retail shop to sell goods or services would all be examples of small business entrepreneurship.

These people usually invest their own money and succeed if their businesses turn a profit, which serves as their income. Sometimes, they don’t have outside investors and will only take a loan if it helps continue the business.

Scalable startup

These are companies that start with a unique idea that can be built to a large scale—think Silicon Valley. The hopes are to innovate with a unique product or service and continue growing the company, continuously scaling up over time. These types of companies often require investors and large amounts of capital to grow their idea and expand into multiple markets.


Large company entrepreneurship is a new business division created within an existing company. The existing company may be well placed to branch out into other sectors or it may be positioned well to become involved in new technology.

CEOs of these companies either foresee a new market for the company or individuals within the company generate ideas that they bring to senior management to start the process and development.

Social entrepreneurship

The goal of social entrepreneurship is to create a benefit to society and humankind. This form of business focuses on helping communities or the environment through their products and services. They are not driven by profits but rather by helping the world around them.

How to Become an Entrepreneur

After retiring her professional dancing shoes, Judi Sheppard Missett became an entrepreneur by teaching a dance class in order to earn some extra cash. But she soon learned that women who came to her studio were less interested in learning precise steps than they were in losing weight and toning up. Sheppard Missett then trained instructors to teach her routines to the masses, and Jazzercise was born. Soon, a franchise deal followed and today, the company has more than 8,300 locations worldwide.3

Following an ice cream–making correspondence course, two entrepreneurs, Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen, paired $8,000 in savings with a $4,000 loan, leased a Burlington, Vt., gas station, and purchased equipment to create uniquely flavored ice cream for the local market.4 Today, Ben & Jerry’s hauls in millions in annual revenue.

In the 21st century, the example of Internet giants like Alphabet, the parent company to Google (GOOG), and Meta (META; formerly Facebook), both of which have made their founders wildly wealthy, have been clear examples of the lasting impact of entrepreneurs on society.

Unlike traditional professions, where there is often a defined path to follow, the road to entrepreneurship is mystifying to most. What works for one entrepreneur might not work for the next and vice versa. That said, there are seven general steps that many successful entrepreneurs have followed:

Ensure financial stability

This first step is not a strict requirement but is definitely recommended. While entrepreneurs have built successful businesses while being less than financially flush, starting out with an adequate cash supply and stable ongoing funding is a great foundation.

This increases an entrepreneur’s personal financial runway and gives them more time to work on building a successful business, rather than worrying about having to keep raising money or paying back short-term loans.

Build a diverse skill set

Once a person has strong finances, it is important to build a diverse set of skills and then apply those skills in the real world. The beauty of step two is it can be done concurrently with step one.

Building a skill set can be achieved through learning and trying new tasks in real-world settings. For example, if an aspiring entrepreneur has a background in finance, they can move into a sales role at their existing company to learn the soft skills necessary to be successful. Once a diverse skill set is built, it gives an entrepreneur a toolkit that they can rely on when they are faced with the inevitability of tough situations.

Much has been discussed about whether going to college is necessary to become a successful entrepreneur. Many well-known entrepreneurs are famous for having dropped out of college: Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Larry Ellison, to name a few.

Though going to college isn’t necessary to build a successful business, it can teach young individuals a lot about the world in many other ways. And these famous college dropouts are the exception rather than the norm. College may not be for everyone and the choice is personal, but it is something to think about, especially with the high price tag of a college education in the U.S

Consume content across multiple channels

As important as developing a diverse skill set is, the need to consume a diverse array of information and knowledge-building materials is equally so. This content can be in the form of podcasts, books, articles, or lectures. The important thing is that the content, no matter the channel, should be varied in what it covers. Aspiring entrepreneurs should always familiarize themselves with the world around them so they can look at industries with a fresh perspective, giving them the ability to build a business around a specific sector.

Identify a problem to solve

Through the consumption of content across multiple channels, an aspiring entrepreneur is able to identify various problems in need of solutions. One business adage dictates that a company’s product or service needs to solve a specific pain point, either for another business or for a consumer group. Through the identification of a problem, an aspiring entrepreneur is able to build a business around solving that problem.

It is important to combine steps three and four so it is possible to identify a problem to solve by looking at various industries as an outsider. This often provides an aspiring entrepreneur with the ability to see a problem others might not.

Solve That Problem

Successful startups solve a specific pain point for other companies or for the public. This is known as “adding value within the problem.” Only through adding value to a specific problem or pain point does an entrepreneur become successful.

Say, for example, you identify that the process for making a dental appointment is complicated for patients, and dentists are losing customers as a result. The value could be to build an online appointment system that makes it easier to book appointments.

Network like crazy

Most entrepreneurs can’t do it alone. The business world is a cutthroat one and getting any help you can will likely help and reduce the time it takes to achieve a successful business. Networking is critical for any new entrepreneur. Meeting the right people who can introduce you to contacts in your industry, such as the right suppliers, financiers, and even mentors, can mean the difference between success and failure.

Attending conferences, emailing and calling people in the industry, speaking to your cousin’s friend’s brother who is in a similar business, will help you get out into the world and discover people who can guide you. Once you have your foot in the door with the right people, conducting a business becomes easier.

Lead by example

Every entrepreneur needs to be a leader within their company. Simply doing the day-to-day requirements will not lead to success. A leader needs to work hard, motivate, and inspire their employees to reach their best potential, which will lead to the success of the company.

Look at some of the greatest and most successful companies; all of them have had great leaders. Apple and Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Microsoft, Bob Iger and Disney, are just a few examples. Study these people and read their books to see how to be a great leader and become the leader that your employees can follow by the example you set.

Entrepreneurship Financing

Given the riskiness of a new venture, the acquisition of capital funding is particularly challenging, and many entrepreneurs deal with it via bootstrapping: financing a business using methods such as using their own money, providing sweat equity to reduce labor costs, minimizing inventory, and factoring receivables.

While some entrepreneurs are lone players struggling to get small businesses off the ground on a shoestring, others take on partners armed with greater access to capital and other resources. In these situations, new firms may acquire financing from venture capitalists, angel investors, hedge funds, crowdfunding, or through more traditional sources such as bank loans.

Resources for entrepreneurs

There are a variety of financing resources for entrepreneurs starting their own businesses. Obtaining a small business loan through the Small Business Administration (SBA) can help entrepreneurs get the business off the ground with affordable loans. Here, the SBA helps connect businesses to loan providers.

If entrepreneurs are willing to give up a piece of equity in their business, then they may find financing in the form of angel investors and venture capitalists. These types of investors also provide guidance, mentorship, and connections in addition to capital.

Crowdfunding has also become a popular way for entrepreneurs to raise capital, particularly through Kickstarter or Indiegogo. In this way, an entrepreneur creates a page for their product and a monetary goal to reach while promising certain givebacks to those who donate, such as products or experiences.

Bootstrapping for entrepreneurs

Bootstrapping refers to building a company solely from your savings as an entrepreneur as well as from the initial sales made from your business. This is a difficult process as all the financial risk is placed on the entrepreneur and there is little room for error. If the business fails, the entrepreneur also may lose all of their life savings.

The advantage of bootstrapping is that an entrepreneur can run the business with their own vision and no outside interference or investors demanding quick profits. That being said, sometimes having an outsider’s assistance can help a business rather than hurt it. Many companies have succeeded with a bootstrapping strategy, but it is a difficult path.

Small business vs. entrepreneurship

A small business and entrepreneurship have a lot in common but they are different. A small business is a company—usually, a sole-proprietorship or partnership—that is not a medium-sized or large-sized business, operates locally, and does not have access to a vast amount of resources or capital.

Entrepreneurship is when an individual who has an idea acts on that idea, usually to disrupt the current market with a new product or service. Entrepreneurship usually starts as a small business but the long-term vision is much greater, to seek high profits and capture market share with an innovative new idea.

How entrepreneurs make money

Entrepreneurs seek to generate revenues that are greater than costs. Increasing revenues is the goal and that can be achieved through marketing, word-of-mouth, and networking. Keeping costs low is also critical as it results in higher profit margins. This can be achieved through efficient operations and eventually economies of scale.

How do taxes work for entrepreneurs?

The taxes you will pay as an entrepreneur will depend on how you structure your business.

Sole proprietorship: A business set up this way is an extension of the individual. Business income and expenses are filed on Schedule C on your U.S. personal tax return and you are taxed at your individual tax rate.5

Partnership: For tax purposes, a partnership functions the same way as a sole proprietorship in the U.S., with the only difference being that income and expenses are split amongst the partners.

Entrepreneurs operating as sole proprietors can deduct any legitimate business expenses from their income to lower their tax bill. This includes expenses such as their home office and utilities, mileage for business travel, advertising, and travel expenses.6

C-corporation: A C-corporation is a separate legal entity and has separate taxes filed with the IRS from the entrepreneur. The business income will be taxed at the corporate tax rate rather than the personal income tax rate.7

Limited liability company (LLC) or S-corporation: These two options are taxed in the same manner as a C-corporation but usually at lower amounts.8

7 Characteristics of Entrepreneurs

What else do entrepreneurial success stories have in common? They invariably involve industrious people diving into things they’re naturally passionate about.

Giving credence to the adage, “find a way to get paid for the job you’d do for free,” passion is arguably the most important attribute entrepreneurs must have, and every edge helps.

While the prospect of becoming your own boss and raking in a fortune is alluring to entrepreneurial dreamers, the possible downside to hanging out one’s own shingle is vast. Income isn’t guaranteed, employer-sponsored benefits go by the wayside, and when your business loses money, your personal assets can take a hit; it’s not a corporation’s bottom line. But adhering to a few tried and true principles can go a long way in diffusing risk. The following are a few characteristics required to be a successful entrepreneur.

1. Versatility

When starting out, it’s essential to personally handle sales and other customer interactions whenever possible. Direct client contact is the clearest path to obtaining honest feedback about what the target market likes and what you could be doing better. If it’s not always practical to be the sole customer interface, entrepreneurs should train employees to invite customer comments as a matter of course. Not only does this make customers feel empowered, but happier clients are more likely to recommend businesses to others.

Personally answering phones is one of the most significant competitive edges home-based entrepreneurs hold over their larger competitors. In a time of high-tech backlash, where customers are frustrated with automated responses and touch-tone menus, hearing a human voice is one surefire way to entice new customers and make existing ones feel appreciated—an important fact, given that a significant percentage of business is generated from repeat customers.

Paradoxically, while customers value high-touch telephone access, they also expect a highly polished website. Even if your business isn’t in a high-tech industry, entrepreneurs still must exploit internet technology to get their message across. A startup garage-based business can have a superior website to an established company valued at $100 million. Just make sure a live human being is on the other end of the phone number listed.

2. Flexibility

Few successful business owners find perfect formulas straight out of the gate. On the contrary: ideas must morph over time. Whether tweaking product design or altering food items on a menu, finding the perfect sweet spot takes trial and error.

Former Starbucks Chair and CEO Howard Schultz initially thought playing Italian opera music over store speakers would accentuate the Italian coffeehouse experience he was attempting to replicate. But customers saw things differently and didn’t seem to like arias with their espressos. As a result, Schultz jettisoned the opera and introduced comfortable chairs instead.

3. Money savviness

At the heart of any successful new business, is steady cash flow, which is essential for purchasing inventory, paying rent, maintaining equipment, and promoting the business. The key to staying in the black is rigorous, regular cash flow management. And since most new businesses don’t make a profit within the first year, by setting money aside for this contingency, entrepreneurs can help mitigate the risk of falling short of funds. Related to this, it’s essential to keep personal and business costs separate, and never dip into business funds to cover the costs of daily living.

Of course, it’s important to pay yourself a realistic salary that allows you to cover essentials, but not much more—especially where investors are involved. Of course, such sacrifices can strain relationships with loved ones who may need to adjust to lower standards of living and endure worry over risking family assets. For this reason, entrepreneurs should communicate these issues well ahead of time, and make sure significant loved ones are on board.

4. Resiliency

Running your own business is extremely difficult, especially getting one started from scratch. It requires a lot of time, dedication, and often failure. A successful entrepreneur must show resilience to all the difficulties on the road ahead. Whenever they meet with failure or rejection they must keep pushing forward.

Starting your business is a learning process and any learning process comes with a learning curve, which can be frustrating, especially when money is on the line. It’s important never to give up through the difficult times if you want to succeed.

5. Focus

Similar to resilience, a successful entrepreneur must stay focused and eliminate the noise and doubts that come with running a business. Becoming sidetracked, not believing in your instincts and ideas, and losing sight of the end goal is a recipe for failure. A successful entrepreneur must always remember why they started the business and remain on course to see it through.

6. Business smarts

Knowing how to manage money and understanding financial statements are critical for anyone running their own business. Knowing your revenues, your costs, and how to increase or decrease them, respectively, is important. Making sure you don’t burn through cash will allow you to keep the business alive.

Implementing a sound business strategy, knowing your target market, your competitors, and your strengths and weaknesses will allow you to maneuver the difficult landscape of running your business.

7. Communication skills

Successful communication is important in almost every facet of life, regardless of what you do. It is also of the utmost importance in running a business. From conveying your ideas and strategies to potential investors to sharing your business plan with your employees and negotiating contracts with suppliers—all require successful communication.

Entrepreneurship in Economics

In economist-speak, an entrepreneur acts as a coordinating agent in a capitalist economy. This coordination takes the form of resources being diverted toward new potential profit opportunities. The entrepreneur moves various resources, both tangible and intangible, promoting capital formation.

In a market full of uncertainty, it is the entrepreneur who can actually help clear up uncertainty, as they make judgments or assume risk. To the extent that capitalism is a dynamic profit-and-loss system, entrepreneurs drive efficient discovery and consistently reveal knowledge.

Established firms face increased competition and challenges from entrepreneurs, which often spurs them toward research and development efforts as well. In technical economic terms, the entrepreneur disrupts the course toward steady-state equilibrium.

How entrepreneurship helps economies

Nurturing entrepreneurship can have a positive impact on an economy and society in several ways. For starters, entrepreneurs create new businesses. They invent goods and services, resulting in employment, and often create a ripple effect, resulting in more and more development. For example, after a few information technology companies began in India in the 1990s, businesses in associated industries, like call center operations and hardware providers, began to develop too, offering support services and products.

Entrepreneurs add to the gross national income. Existing businesses may remain confined to their markets and eventually hit an income ceiling. But new products or technologies create new markets and new wealth. Additionally, increased employment and higher earnings contribute to a nation’s tax base, enabling greater government spending on public projects.

Entrepreneurs create social change. They break tradition with unique inventions that reduce dependence on existing methods and systems, sometimes rendering them obsolete. Smartphones and their apps, for example, have revolutionized work and play across the globe.

Entrepreneurs invest in community projects and help charities and other non-profit organizations, supporting causes beyond their own. Bill Gates, for example, has used his considerable wealth for education and public health initiatives.

Entrepreneurial ecosystems

Research shows that high levels of self-employment can stall economic development: Entrepreneurship, if not properly regulated, can lead to unfair market practices and corruption, and too many entrepreneurs can create income inequalities in society. Overall, though, entrepreneurship is a critical driver of innovation and economic growth. Therefore, fostering entrepreneurship is an important part of the economic growth strategies of many local and national governments around the world.

To this end, governments commonly assist in the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems, which may include entrepreneurs themselves, government-sponsored assistance programs, and venture capitalists. They may also include non-government organizations, such as entrepreneurs’ associations, business incubators, and education programs.

California’s Silicon Valley is often cited as an example of a well-functioning entrepreneurial ecosystem. The region has a well-developed venture capital base, a large pool of well-educated talent, especially in technical fields, and a wide range of government and non-government programs fostering new ventures and providing information and support to entrepreneurs.

Questions for Entrepreneurs

Embarking on the entrepreneurial career path to “being your own boss” is exciting. But along with all your research, make sure to do your homework about yourself and your situation.

A few questions to ask yourself:

  • Do I have the personality, temperament, and mindset of taking on the world on my own terms?
  • Do I have the required resources to devote all my time to my venture?
  • Do I have an exit plan ready with a clearly defined timeline in case my venture does not work?
  • Do I have a concrete plan for the next “x” number of months or will I face challenges midway due to family, financial, or other commitments? Do I have a mitigation plan for those challenges?
  • Do I have the required network to seek help and advice as needed?
  • Have I identified and built bridges with experienced mentors to learn from their expertise?
  • Have I prepared the rough draft of a complete risk assessment, including dependencies on external factors?
  • Have I realistically assessed the potential of my offering and how it will figure in the existing market?
  • If my offering is going to replace an existing product in the market, how will my competitors react?
  • To keep my offering secure, will it make sense to get a patent? Do I have the capacity to wait until I receive it?
  • Have I identified my target customer base for the initial phase? Do I have scalability plans ready for larger markets?
  • Have I identified sales and distribution channels?

Questions that delve into external factors:

  • Does my entrepreneurial venture meet local regulations and laws? If not feasible locally, can I and should I relocate to another region?
  • How long does it take to get the necessary license or permissions from concerned authorities? Can I survive that long?
  • Do I have a plan for getting the necessary resources and skilled employees, and have I made cost considerations for the same?
  • What are the tentative timelines for bringing the first prototype to market or for services to be operational?
  • Who are my primary customers?
  • Who are the funding sources I may need to approach to make this big? Is my venture good enough to convince potential stakeholders?
  • What technical infrastructure do I need?
  • Once the business is established, will I have sufficient funds to get resources and take it to the next level? Will other big firms copy my model and kill my operation?


What Does It Mean to Be an Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is an individual who starts their own business based on an idea they have or a product they have created while assuming most of the risks and reaping most of the rewards of the business.


What Is the Best Definition of Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the process of setting up a business, taking it from an idea to realization.


What Are the Four Types of Entrepreneurs?

Four types of entrepreneurs include builders, opportunists, innovators, and specialists.


What Are the Seven Characteristics of Entrepreneurs?

Seven primary characteristics among entrepreneurs include versatility, resilience, flexibility, money-savviness, business smarts, focus, and having strong communication skills.

The Bottom Line

An entrepreneur is an individual who takes an idea or product and creates a business, a process known as entrepreneurship. Creating a business requires a lot of work and dedication, which not everyone is cut out for. Entrepreneurs are often young, highly motivated risk-takers who have a vision and often sacrifice a lot to achieve that vision.

Entrepreneurs enter the market because they love what they do, believe their product will have a positive impact, and hope to make profits from their efforts. The steps entrepreneurs take fuel the economy; they create businesses that employ people and make products and services that consumers buy today.

How to Become a Pilot: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Become a Pilot: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Become a Pilot: A Step-By-Step Guide – Fly high above the clouds and see the world from a unique perspective as you launch an exciting, rewarding, and challenging career as a pilot. Find out how you can become a pilot.

Key career takeaways

  • Salary of A$2,558* (median rate per week)
  • Moderate expected job growth. Retention is high among pilots meaning those in the role tend to stay for longer periods of time.
  • This is a very highly skilled profession with a small employment force
  • By 2035, the International Air Transport Association estimates there will be twice the number of passengers as 2016 (from 3.8 billion to 7.2 billion)

*Data sourced from

Few careers spark as much intrigue, excitement, romance and adventure as a pilot. Since the early days of aviation, becoming a pilot and experiencing life within the cockpit of some of the most technologically advanced machines on the planet, has been the dream of many. But what do you need to do to become a private or commercial pilot?

What it takes to become a pilot

If you’re the type of person that can handle high-pressure situations calmly, can process mathematical and physics-based problems, possess great English reading, writing and comprehension skills, make good decisions under pressure and have the ability to understand technical details, a career as a pilot could be your calling.

And, through Swinburne’s industry-linked flight school, becoming a pilot can be more than just a dream — it can be your reality.

3 steps to becoming a pilot

Step 1 – Complete a skills assessment test and medical test

Yep, the rumours are true. You need to have pretty good eyesight to become a pilot. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be perfect — as long as your eyes can be corrected to 20/20 with glasses or contacts. So how do you find out if you’re eligible?

In Victoria, Swinburne is the only university that offers you the opportunity to study a Bachelor of Aviation to become a commercial pilot. Prior to selection into the course, shortlisted students are required to complete a skills assessment test with CAE Melbourne Flight Training in late November. This is a computer-based assessment that covers pilot aptitude, hand-eye coordination, motor skills and spatial awareness.

Students must also gain their Class 1 medical certificate from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to be able to undertake practical flying lessons.

Step 2 – Study a Bachelor of Aviation degree

Before you can jump inside the cockpit, you’ll also need a thorough understanding of what it takes to fly an aircraft. This includes knowledge of the aviation industry, basic flight operations and attaining key analytical skills.

Delivered in accordance with CASA requirements, our Bachelor of Aviation degree, alongside our Graduate Certificate of Aviation (Piloting) (which you’ll study concurrently), will set you on the path to becoming a commercial or professional pilot.

We also offer the option to combine your aviation degree with a Bachelor of Business. This four year double degree will open doors in the aviation industry outside of becoming a pilot.

With our Bachelor of Aviation degree, you will gain flight experience. You’ll undertake commercial flying training with CAE Melbourne Flight Training at Moorabbin Airport, with access to over 45 aircraft as well as state-of-the-art simulators. Moorabbin Airport has over 295,000 aircraft movements each year, making it one of Australia’s busiest airports. What this means for you – train here, be ready to work anywhere.

While in this course, you’ll start clocking up the 35 required hours to gain your private pilot licence (PPL) and the 150 hours you need for your commercial pilot licence (CPL). As you will be under the supervision of a flight instructor at all times (including while flying solo) you won’t need a licence to fly as a student pilot.

At Swinburne, we proudly provide cadet pilot training for Jetstar. The cadetship program trains future First and Second Officers to fly Jetstar Airbus A320 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft.

Gain your licences

Once you’ve completed your Bachelor of Aviation you’ll have earned all the relevant licences to get you flying. In fact, the course is designed to take graduates beyond the requirements for the CASA Air Transport Pilot Licence theory examination, and CPL and Multi-engine Aeroplane Instrument Endorsement practical tests.

This does not mean you’ll be flying with big commercial airlines… yet! See step three.

Step 3 – Commercial pilot 1.500 flight hours

If you wish to become a commercial pilot and fly aircraft such as the Airbus A380s, Boeing 747s and 777s, you will need to complete 1,500 hours of flight time after you complete your Bachelor of Aviation. It’s a standard set by the airlines to ensure the safety of their millions of customers.

Becoming a commercial pilot for a major airline involves a lot of very important flight hours, which is why we are partnered with Qantas so that our students who are selected into the Qantas Future Pilot Program work towards their 1,500 hours through QantasLink — the airline’s regional brand.

To get your flight time up, you may also find opportunities with small charter companies who look for pilots to run scenic routes for tourists and even skydive runs.

With your 1,500 hours secured, you’ll be ready for your first big commercial gig.

Are you eligible for a scholarship?

Swinburne scholarships are about providing opportunity, promoting equity, and recognising excellence and achievement.

We offer the following aviation scholarships:

  • Australian Federation of Air Pilots and Australian Air Pilots Mutual Benefit Fund Scholarship
  • International Aviation Women’s Association Scholarship
  • Piers Fowler Aviation Tour Scholarship
  • Piers Fowler Flight Instructor Scholarship
  • Piers Fowler Professional Development Initiative Scholarship
  • Piers Fowler Professional Undergraduate Research Grant
  • Sir Reginald Ansett Scholarship – Aviation

We also offer the Vice Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarship for students leaving Yr 12 so make sure you check to see if you’re eligible.

Scholarships For High School Students

Scholarships For High School Students

Scholarships For High School Students

Scholarships given based on academic achievement and your financial aid info from the FAFSA can open up college scholarship opportunities for high school students.

High school students should take advantage of every opportunity to apply for high school scholarships. Many organizations offer scholarships for high schoolers and the awards may be very generous. Even if you don’t think you’ll qualify for need-based financial aid, it’s often still a good idea to fill out the college opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t be available without these awards!

What Scholarships Are Available for High School Students?

A number of scholarship programs are available to those who have achieved good grades in their studies. You could also use interests and goals to find scholarships for minority students, the sport you play, by state or college major. Don’t overlook ones like Navy Seal Foundation Scholarships if you are the child of a military service member.

Scholarships for high school students can be a great way to help with college costs. There are many types of high school scholarships 2022 programs, each giving you different opportunities and benefits!

10 Scholarships For High School Students You Should Apply For in 2022

As a high school student, you have plenty of options when it comes to scholarships. You can find awards given by organizations, companies, and even the government to help pay for college. Here are the 10 high school scholarships 2022 that you should apply for:

  1. Coca-Cola Scholars Program
  2. Burger King Scholars Program
  3. Gates Millennium Scholars Program
  4. Google Lime Scholarship
  5. National Merit Scholarship Program
  6. QuestBridge National College Match Program
  7. Ron Brown Scholar Program
  8. Tall Clubs International Scholarship Program
  9. United Negro College Fund Scholarships
  10. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc./Frederick Douglass

When Should High School Students Start Applying For Scholarships?

Scholarships are a great way to fund your education. If you have been thinking about college scholarships for high school students, don’t wait until it’s too late! Deadlines can range from one year before college starts up through senior year in some cases so make sure that you apply as soon as possible and work on scholarship searches during summer break or after grades come out each semester.

How To Get Scholarships For High School?

Getting scholarships for high schoolers can be a difficult process. There are many different types of scholarships, and it can be hard to know where to start your search. However, there are a few tips that you can follow to help you find the best scholarships for your needs.

  1. Start early: The sooner you start looking for scholarships, the better your chances will be of finding one that suits your needs.
  2. Talk to your guidance counselor: Your guidance counselor may be able to help you find scholarships that are specifically for high school students.
  3. Look online: There are many different scholarship databases available online. You can search for scholarships by keyword, type of scholarship, or even location.

Ask for help: If you’re having trouble finding scholarships, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your parents, teachers, or even friends. They may know of scholarships that you haven’t found yet.

Once you’ve found some scholarships to apply for, make sure you understand the eligibility requirements and deadlines. Then, put together a strong application that includes your best academic work, extracurricular activities, and personal statement.

Don’t forget to fill out and file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA could help you qualify for federal and state aid based on financial need. Some grantors also use it to narrow the applicant pool to those who can’t afford higher education.

Documents Needed To Apply For Scholarship

A scholarship provider is likely to ask for various documents along with a complete scholarship application. For easy scholarships, this could be as simple as a name and email. Many high school scholarship applications, tend to ask for the following supporting documents:

Official high school transcripts. Ones that show your cumulative GPA and classes you’ve taken.
Standardized test scores. If you have them but many colleges are now test optional.
Recommendation letters. Usually from a coach, teacher, boss or someone other than family are often among these requirements. These references help a scholarship committee get to know you more as a person.

Resume. A list of work experience, awards, honors and extracurricular activities. This could be a place to discuss what clubs you belong to, sports teams and or community service you do.&
An essay. Some applications ask for a personal essay. Expressing your goals, for e.g., and why you deserve to win.

Identification. Some providers may also want a color photo of you. You might also need to prove residency, US citizenship, and / or ethnicity.
College plans. What kind of bachelor’s degree program you plan to enroll in as a full time undergraduate student.

What Mistakes Should High School Students Avoid When Applying For A Scholarship?

There are some common mistakes many high school students make when they apply for scholarships. Here is a list of mistakes you should avoid when you’re applying for college scholarships for high school students:

1. Applying for too many scholarships: Applying for too many scholarships can actually hurt your chances of winning any of them. Stick to a few that you are really interested in and that you have a good chance of winning.

2. Not meeting eligibility requirements: Make sure you understand the eligibility requirements for each scholarship you apply for. If you don’t meet the requirements, your application will likely be rejected.

3. Waiting until the last minute: Start working on your scholarship applications early so that you can take your time and do a good job. Applications that are rushed tend to be of lower quality and are less likely to be successful.

4. Not proofreading: Always proofread your essays and other materials before submitting them. Typos and other errors can make you look careless and can hurt your chances of winning a scholarship.

5. Applying for scholarships you don’t qualify for: Don’t waste your time applying for scholarships that you don’t qualify for. Stick to scholarships that are a good fit for you and your situation.

How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting High School Scholarships?

To increase your chances of landing a college scholarship for high school students, there are a few things you could do in and out of the high school classroom. Here are some tips:

  1. Start early. The sooner you start looking for scholarships, the better. There are many scholarships that have early deadlines, so it’s important to get a head start.
  2. Grades matter. Many colleges use your high school GPA and test scores when giving out academic merit scholarships. Maintain good grades throughout all of your classes. You could also show initiative and take Advanced Placement courses.
  3. Get organized. Create a system for keeping track of the scholarships you’re applying for. This will help you stay on top of deadlines and ensure that you don’t miss any important steps in the process.
  4. Help out to stand out. Some scholarships go to students who volunteer or do community service work. These efforts show leadership and that you care about your environment. All great qualities to have when applying for scholarships.
  5. Build professional relationships. At some point, you may need a recommendation letter and it typically must come from either your school counselor, teacher, or employer who knows you for a period of time.
  6. Look for jobs that relate to what you’ll be majoring in. It could be as simple as starting an online business which shows an entrepreneurial spirit. You could also be a tutor, cashier, or lifeguard. These part time jobs may help you save for college and build up your resume at the same time.
  7. Fill in the financial gaps with state and federal grants. Let’s say worst case and you don’t get big scholarship bucks. Many American students file the FAFSA (and state paperwork) to access government aid. Find out if you qualify!
How to Improve Your Spoken English: 8 Tips

How to Improve Your Spoken English: 8 Tips

How to Improve Your Spoken English: 8 Tips

When you ask a language student what their goals are, almost everyone says “improve my speaking”. When learning a foreign language, you’ll find yourself talking with all kinds of native speakers – your teacher, servers in restaurants, taxi drivers and your landlord, so it’s vital that you feel comfortable. Just like improving your writing, listening or any other skill, there are techniques you can use to improve your spoken English in a targeted way. Here are eight of our favorites:

1. Speak, speak, speak

Let’s start right off by saying that there isn’t a magic pill for better speaking. That would be too easy, right? Basically, the best way to speak better is to, well – speak! Commit to practicing often and with as many different people as possible. Do you already live or study overseas? Take advantage of the thousands of native speakers in your immediate community, such as your friends, their families, your coworkers, classmates, employees at the coffee shops, supermarket, post-office and other places you visit. If you’re learning in your own country, increase your practice time by meeting your classmates after class, finding an language exchange partner or joining an online community of learners.

2. Reflect on your conversations

After your conversation is over, take a moment to reflect. How did it go? How much do you think you understood? How comfortable did you feel with that subject matter? Did you encounter any unknown words? The mere act of thinking about it in this way will increase your confidence for the next time you speak (and give your targeted things to work on, for example vocabulary you didn’t understand).

3. Listen and read

You need words in order to talk, right? Class time is great for learning vocabulary, but there are other ways you can increase yours: Watch movies, listen to music, the radio and to podcasts. Read books, magazines and blogs. When listening and reading, find new and interesting expressions, slang terms and synonyms, write down this new material and look up anything you’re not familiar with. All this will provide more “meat” for you to use next time you practice.

4. Prepare cheat sheets

Part of nervousness around speaking is the feeling of not knowing what to say. To combat this, prepare a cheat sheet. Are you going to the doctor’s? Before your appointment, research vocabulary relating to your condition and some common phrases you’ll probably need. Use the technique before going to pay a bill, eating at a restaurant, job interviews, making a complaint, or for any other situation that might make you anxious.

5. Pick up the phone

Most people find phone conversations particularly challenging. Why? Because on the phone, we can’t see the other person’s body language or watch their mouth move, both of which are tools that really help communication. To feel more confident on the phone, start small with phone conversations with friends – then move on to more challenging calls like making appointments or inquiries. (This is a great time to use tip 4, and prepare a list of questions and useful vocabulary to help you during your call!)

6. Record your voice

We know, we know – most people dislike hearing their voice recorded – but it’s actually an extremely beneficial way to improve your speaking! Hearing yourself on tape shows you things you might not realize (maybe you tend to speak quickly when nervous, swallow your “s’s” or mumble). On the other hand, you could be pleasantly surprised to hear that your speaking is far better than you thought! For bonus points, take your recording to your teacher or to a native speaker friend and have them give you feedback.

7. Learn phrases rather than single words

Another tip to increase your fluency is to speak using a variety of phrases rather than individual words. (You probably do this all the time in your native language.) Instead of automatically asking “Hello, how are you today?”, mix it up by choosing other expressions like “What’s up, man?” “Hey dude!” or “How ya going, mate?” (Be careful though: Some expressions will be very informal and not ideal for some situations!)

8. Have fun

Let’s face it. It’s far easier to learn something new when you’re having fun. Inject silliness into your speaking practice by talking to yourself when you’re alone, singing along with popular songs in English, doing tongue twisters (Try our top tongue twisters) or doing one-minute “impromptu speeches” on randomly-chosen topics (such as snakes, coffee, India or subjects such as “If I ruled the world, I would…”, “Three surprising facts about me,” or “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”). Great practice and great, silly fun.

Seven Simple Ways to Improve Your Speaking skills

Seven Simple Ways to Improve Your Speaking skills

Seven Simple Ways to Improve Your Speaking skills

Speaking English confidently is an important goal for many. Often, we hesitate because we are afraid of making mistakes or embarrassing ourselves in front of others. Sometimes mistakes are unavoidable. But like any other skill, you can improve your spoken English if you practise regularly and follow these simple techniques.

1. Listen

The first step in improving your speaking skills is actually working on your listening.

Listening to English has several benefits – it allows you to pick up new words, phrases, and ways to respond in conversations. Secondly, listening provides opportunities to understand pronunciation, how some words are omitted when speaking, how some are joined together, the rhythm, the intonation, and the sounds of language.

What should you listen to? There are many resources available to you to listen to for free. Start with short English clips or videos: pick your favourite English TV show or YouTube channel. Listen to a clip and notice carefully what the characters are saying. Repeat any dialogues or phrases that interest you. Replay the same clip until you understand every word. You could also turn on the subtitles or look at the transcript of the video if available and practise saying the dialogues with the characters.

Here are some easy conversations in English with transcripts.

The practice activities that accompany these audios and videos will provide you plenty of opportunities to practise the new vocabulary and pronunciation.

English podcasts are another popular way to listen to English and improve your listening and speaking skills. Podcasts are short audio clips that are available online on various topics. They are usually released regularly as episodes on a larger theme or range of topics. Our Podcasts for Professionals is a great resource to listen to some English in the context of the workplace. Each episode focuses on a different business issue and provides some useful tips and techniques to deal with that issue. We also have an app – LearnEnglish Podcasts . A new episode is released weekly on the app, so you never run out of content to listen to.

The third most interesting way to improve your listening and speaking is by listening to audio books. Audio books have become very popular over the past couple of years. They are great for people who are have no time to invest in reading books. They are also a wonderful way to perfect your pronunciation. Here is a great selection of books for people who are learning English. Try to listen to a portion of the text, pause the audio, and read aloud to practise saying the words yourself.

Finally, nothing can beat actual English conversations with people. Listen to your colleagues speaking in English, listen to your boss giving presentations and conduct meetings in English, listen to your teacher speaking in English – all of these real-life conversations will help you become a better listener and a better speaker of the language. Remember that listening as much as possible will help your speaking significantly.

2. Imitate

Now that you have listened to lots of English conversations, it’s time for some imitation. Yes, that’s right! Imitating or copying someone is a wonderful to improve your speaking skills. Not convinced? Watch babies and children – how do they learn a language? They copy everything an adult says.

Another benefit of imitation is that it will help you become more accurate in English without having to learn grammar rules. With lots of practice you will begin to remember chunks of words and phrases. This helps in remembering word patterns in a sentence and how certain words go with others.

To effectively improve your speaking skills, you need to follow these steps:

Listen: Pick your favourite video or audio clip from any of the sources provided in the earlier section of this article. Play the audio and listen to it carefully. Play as many times as you like to understand how each word is spoken.
Repeat and record: After playing the audio, repeat saying the words and conversations exactly as you heard. Pay special attention to the intonation, stress, and rhythm of language. Record yourself while repeating the words. You could use a voice recorder on your phone or a use a web-service like Vocaroo . Recording will provide you an opportunity to listen to yourself and self-correct. So, do not skip this step.
Compare: Listen to the audio again and compare it with your recording. Does it match? Note down changes that you may need to make.
Correct: Repeat the entire process again until you get better and more accurate.
As this process involves listening to the same audio clip several times, choose a topic that is interesting to you. If you stick with the routine, you will see improvement in your pronunciation, vocabulary, accuracy, and overall speaking abilities in no time!

3. Read

Reading is yet another important skill to have when learning a language. Whether you prefer a novel or an article, reading a few minutes every day will help you acquire new vocabulary.

The most common reason why people hesitate with reading is that it takes quite a lot of time to read a book from start to finish. However, when learning English, reading even for a few minutes is greatly beneficial. Short articles or notes in English are great for this. They only take a few minutes to read and are quite easy to find.

You can start with materials you find every day. Think of notes and memos at work, pamphlets and brochures at your local supermarket, or notices and safety instructions in the elevators – wherever you are there is always something to read.

Here is a selection of reading materials specifically designed to help you improve your language abilities. There are different types of texts and interactive exercises with which you can practise the reading skills you need to do well in your studies, to get ahead at work, and to communicate in English in your free time.

These articles provide a chance to learn about global issues, special days, and festivals while learning English. You will improve your reading comprehension and develop your vocabulary on a diverse range of international events, celebrations, and topics. Each article has interactive exercises to help you understand and use the language.

If you prefer stories, the Story Zone on our LearnEnglish website gives you a wide range to choose from. There are several stories written specifically for language learners. They are easy to read and provide language practice though short activities.

If you are looking to improve your workplace skills along with your vocabulary, try our Business Magazine . You will learn useful language for a wide range of business topics from different perspectives, as well as tips and techniques for dealing with business issues.

Remember that if your goal is improving speaking skills, it is a good idea to read aloud. This will not only help you practise unfamiliar words, but also help you improve your pronunciation and fluency.

4. Reflect

Reflection is a very useful step in improving your speaking skills. Reflection is nothing but asking questions to think about what you learnt, how you learnt, what progress you see, what could be done differently, and how to change the way you learn to allow progress.

It is important to reflect on your language learning abilities on a daily basis, especially if you are learning a new language independently. Reflection is another way to provide yourself some good feedback in the absence of a teacher.

Say you had a great conversation in English. After your conversation is over, take a moment to reflect. Ask yourself questions such as the following:

  • How was it?
  • How much did you understand the other person?
  • How confident did you feel in responding to the questions asked or continuing the conversation?
  • How comfortable did you feel about the topic of discussion?
  • How quickly were you able to think of the right thing to say or the right word to say?
  • Did you come across any unfamiliar words?
  • What did the other person do when they couldn’t think of the right word?

Thinking about these questions will help you see your strengths more clearly and gain confidence. You will also find opportunities for improvement and specific areas to work on.

You could also reflect after reading or listening to something in English. Ask yourself these questions.

What are some of the key points you learned from the article or podcast?
Can you summarise them in your own words?
Are there some words or ideas that were new to you?
Can you use the words and sentences around the new word to guess the meaning of this new word? Look up a dictionary soon after to confirm if you really got the meaning right.
Recording your reflections in a notebook after every learning session will help you see your progress over time.

5. Prepare

A lot of us hesitate to speak or take part in conversations in English because we are nervous about what to say. We are anxious that what we say may not be appropriate or we may make mistakes. We can easily fix this problem by preparing ahead. Are you going to a restaurant with your colleagues? Think of situations that require you to speak English. Order food, perhaps? Ask for changes to a dish? Ask your colleagues’ preferences? Ask for the bill? What vocabulary do you need in these situations? Write up a simple list of phrases to use.

Here is an example:

Situation Useful phrases
Arriving at the restaurant and asking for a table (if booked) Hello. We’ve booked a table for ___. (say the number of people for which you booked the table)
The booking is in _________ ‘s name. (say the name of the person you provided at the time of booking)
Arriving at the restaurant and asking for a table (if not booked) Hello. We need a table for _______ (say the number of people). Can you fit us in?
Asking for the menu Could we see the food menu, please?
Could we see the drinks menu, please?
Asking about food Is this dish suitable for vegetarians?
Does this dish contain nuts? I am allergic to nuts.
Could you help me understand what this dish contains?
Choosing what to order among your colleagues I’d like to order a hamburger with a side of fries. What about you?
I prefer coffee to tea.
What would you like to have?
Do you prefer soup or salad?
That sounds delicious.
Placing your order We are ready to place our order.
Could we have bottled water for everyone?
I would like ___________ (say what you would like to eat)
Could I have ___________ (say what you would like to eat)?
Giving feedback That was delicious. Thank you.
That was lovely. Thank you.
It was a great meal. Thank you.

The food was a bit cold.
The dish was a bit spicy for my taste.

Paying your bill Could we have the bill please?
Can I pay by card?

This is on me. (When you want to insist on paying for everyone).

Create similar cheat sheets for everyday situations. You will find yourself becoming more confident and ready to speak in English. If you need help, you will find many useful phrases for different situations here .

6. Speak

Yes, speaking. There is no magic pill that would help you speak better. You must put yourself in situations where you are forced to speak in English to get better at it. Start small. Do you live or work at a place where you need to speak English to get by? Great! Take advantage of this situation by speaking to people around you. It could be at your workplace or even at a coffee shop – doesn’t matter where, as long as you can speak.

If you don’t have that advantage, practise speaking in English with your colleagues or classmates. It is easier if you choose someone who speaks a different language than you do as it forces you to communicate in English.

You could also consider joining an English language course to improve your range of vocabulary and speaking. You get tons of practice and a teacher to provide you with some personal feedback on your speaking skills. You will meet likeminded learners from all over the country or even another country.

These days, a lot of online forums and discussion groups focus on language learning as a goal. Joining such a forum will help you practise speaking with students from different parts of the world with similar goals. Many of these groups are easy to find. Try Facebook, Reddit, or Discord. Just a word of caution – it is important to keep in mind internet safety and security. Remember safety should be your priority. Read these online safety tips before joining a group.

7. Practise

We cannot stress this enough. Regular and consistent practice is the key to success when it comes to speaking English. The tips and suggestions that we’ve described above only work if you use them regularly. So, here’s what we recommend. Start small – spend just 10 minutes every day doing 1-2 of the above things. Maybe listen to a short video clip today and imitate. Reflect on what you learned. Tomorrow, pick up a short article. Read aloud and summarise in your own words. Reflect on what you read and the new words.

Some days you will find more time. Dedicate more time when you can but do the minimum every single day. You will see a big change in your abilities in no time! As you improve, you’ll get more confident and more ready for bigger challenges. This is the time to find speaking partners and to put yourself in situations that require speaking in English. Don’t worry about making mistakes. Most people don’t care if you make mistakes.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun. It’s easier to learn something new and commit to learning when you’re having fun. Practise English by singing along to popular songs. Practise tongue twisters with your friends. There are several here .

Try all these tips today and start your language learning journey right away!

How to Determine Which Career Path You Should Choose

How to Determine Which Career Path You Should Choose

How to Determine Which Career Path You Should Choose

Did you know that there are over 7 million people over the age of 25 who are enrolled in academic courses? If you’re thinking of going back to school, know that it is never too late to start!

You might be wondering which career path you should choose as heading back to school can be a big life change it should be worth your time. There are so many career paths to choose from but you should make sure that you pick something you will enjoy.

Do you envision yourself in a specific role or job a few years down the line? We’re here to help you pick a career path for you!

Keep reading for our guide on how to determine which career path you should choose when going back to school.

Think of What You Enjoy Doing

When determining your career path, you should first think about your hobbies and the things that you enjoy doing. Turning your hobby into a career is a lifelong dream for many people.

If going back to school can help you achieve that dream, then go for it!

One way to do this is by writing down all of your hobbies and the things that you enjoy doing outside of work. Do you enjoy cooking, writing, talking with people, playing sports, or gardening?

Writing down all of your hobbies and then linking them to real-life jobs is a good way to get started in figuring out what your career path could be.

For someone who enjoys talking to people or solving problems, then you may consider the career path of an addiction counselor. This might not have been something that you realized until you wrote down everything that you enjoyed doing.

Imagine You’re a Kid Again

Do you remember being a young kid and being asked what you want to be when you grow up? Chances are you may not have done the job you said you were gonna do when you were a child. If you do still have that same dream, then go for it!

On the other hand, if you have the opportunity to go back to school, then the world is your oyster. Imagine being a kid again and think of all the possibilities that you once had.

Going back to school means that you get the chance to pick any career path that your heart desires.

As a child, you may have dreamed of being a dentist and you totally have that opportunity to do that now. You can go back to school to become a dental assistant!

When choosing your career path you can truly dream as if you were a child again and follow your heart.

Try Taking a Test

If you’re not keen on following your heart, then you can try taking a career test. There are numerous online career aptitude tests that can match you with the perfect career that will fit your career needs.

Taking one of these tests will make you answer tons of questions regarding your skillset and personality to match you with the best career.

Don’t worry, the greatest career tests that you can find online are free so you won’t have to pay any money for this insight. Of course, taking a test shouldn’t determine your future.

Use the answers you receive from a career aptitude test lightly. Make sure you research and choose a career path that you feel will be suited for you.

If anything, taking a career test can help to give you a bit of a start on choosing the right career for you.

List Your Strengths and Weaknesses

One common job interview question that is normally asked in interview questions is what are your strengths and weaknesses. This is a great question to ask yourself when it comes to figuring out what your career path could be.

Get out a pen and paper and write down your five strengths and five weaknesses.

Think about what types of careers would require people who would possess your strengths and weaknesses. For example, if one of your weaknesses is public speaking, then you may want to avoid careers that would require you to speak in front of large crowds.

On the other hand, you can also work to improve the weaknesses that you’ve listed. If you know that you’re not good at public speaking, then you might want to take a communications class so that you can get better at it.

Talk With a Career Counselor

Talking with a career counselor can help to give you a guideline for what you want your career path to be. If you feel like you’re being pulled in a few different directions by a bunch of different careers, then they can help to weigh the pros and cons with you.

A career counselor is someone that you can talk with and they can understand the frustrations of going back to school and even changing careers.

You might even find that talking to a career counselor has opened your eyes to careers you never even knew existed. Having another person assist you in finding the perfect career could be something that you didn’t even know you needed.

Here at ICC, our Career Services Coordinator will work with you on gaining employment in your career path. We can help with your resume, conduct mock interviews, help you network, and even find job leads.

Ask If You Can Job Shadow Someone

Once you find a career that you believe you will enjoy then job shadowing someone is the best way to see if you will truly like it. It takes researching a job one step further by actually getting hands-on and doing it for a day.

One of the easiest ways to job shadow someone is by asking someone you know who is in that career field. Unfortunately, if you don’t know anyone in the career that you’re interested in, then this can be rather difficult.

The best way to go about landing a job shadow is by researching companies that you’re interested in. You should know what to ask and who to ask.

There is a chance that you might get shot down the first time that you ask about job shadowing. Companies can be busy or they might not be accepting job shadowing positions.

If that’s the case, then don’t give up. Move on and look for another company to ask about job shadowing!

The best thing about reaching out and doing a job shadow for a day is that it will look really good when you go to apply for a job later on. During interviews, you can actually mention that you job shadowed someone when deciding on a career.


On the other hand, if you’re unable to job shadow someone you can always volunteer within that career field. Volunteering is an awesome thing to do especially if your career field needs volunteers!

The medical field is always looking for volunteers to do a number of different jobs and tasks. If you’re looking to get into a certain position, then check to see if they have any volunteer opportunities near you.

Volunteering can expose you to the field and position without committing to an internship or job shadow position. It is also a great way to see what’s going on on the inside in a more easygoing and laid back environment.

As a volunteer, you can even talk with the people who work in that career. Make sure to spend your time as a volunteer wisely. Obviously, you won’t be able to interview the workers but asking them a few questions about their job and why they like it won’t hurt.

Take the Leap

Going back to school and picking a new career can be scary! It is definitely not an easy thing to do but you’ll be proud of yourself for taking the leap and going for it.

Finding the right career path for you might take some time. Don’t be afraid to make phone calls, send emails, or ask businesses if you can follow someone around for the day or get some questions answered.

Getting as much information as possible will help to make your decision easier and your transition smoother.

Overall, don’t be afraid to take the leap! Jump right into going back to school and preparing for your new career. If you’ve chosen the right career path, then it is going to be something that you will love doing.

Going Back to School and Choosing Your Career Path

Going back to school can completely turn your life upside down but for the better. You should take the time to choose a career path that you will enjoy and one you can see yourself doing for a long time.

Make sure that you take the time to research and look into each career path that you’re interested in before making your final decision.

Classes are starting soon and if you’re looking to apply you can do so directly online!

How To Choose a Career Path in 9 Steps (With Examples)

How To Choose a Career Path in 9 Steps (With Examples)

How To Choose a Career Path in 9 Steps (With Examples)

Many people reflect on their interests in skills in order to choose the right career path. Deciding on a career path allows you to attain the right education and experiences and develop necessary skills to succeed in your chosen field. It’s important to reflect on your interests and career goals as you make certain life choices, such as which school to attend, which entry-level job is right for you or whether to obtain a postgraduate degree or specialized certification.

In this article, we define what a career path is, provide a nine-step guide detailing how to choose a career path depending on personal characteristics and offer some examples of career paths you can pursue within different industries.

What is a Career Path?

A career path is a plan detailing the positions you aim to hold as you advance in your field. Your first job or college degree, for example, can mark the beginning of your career path. As you gain additional knowledge and skills, you may progress, or move vertically, into more advanced roles. Some employees also move laterally into equal but different job roles as they specialize or change career paths.

How to choose a career path

Here are some steps you can follow as you develop your career path:

1. Outline your career goals

Before selecting a career, self-reflect by asking and answering guided questions. Active reflection helps narrow your choices into something more specific.

Consider asking yourself:

  • What do I want from my career?
  • What are my core values?
  • What activities do I most enjoy, professionally or in my free time?
  • What are my interests?
  • What are my strengths and aptitudes?

Do I want to specialize in certain technical skills or seek management roles?

Once you answer questions like these and any others that are important to you, you can better research potential career paths. It’s also important to revisit your career goals as you grow personally and professionally to ensure your goals remain achievable and aligned with your interests.

Related: Setting Goals To Improve Your Career

2. Create a five- and 10-year plan

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, consider establishing milestones for your career. Research where other people in your field are at five or 10 years into their career, and make a note of the job titles they have. Decide what title or advancements you want to have at these future points. Then, research what you can do to reach those goals. You may undergo training programs, seek specific responsibilities or pursue prerequisite positions.

By establishing career goals, you can plan based on what progress you expect every year. Schedule time regularly to reflect on your career and goals.

Related: 7 Tools To Plan Your Career the Right Way Here!

3. Discover your personality type

A personality type is a set of personality traits

that you can organize into groups. There are multiple methods for discovering your personality type, many of which focus on your responses to different situations. Different personality types may naturally possess different interests and develop different strengths, including careers.

Different tests list common career choices for each personality type. If you take a variety of tests and one or two careers appear across multiple tests, that specific career is likely worth researching. Some popular tools you can use to identify your personality type include:

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: This questionnaire is a self-reporting inventory that includes introspective questions to identify your psychological preferences. Using this information, the type indicator system classifies people based on four key dichotomies, allowing you to identify your personality type out of 16 options.

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter: While this self-assessment questionnaire is like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, it more closely identifies roles that match each temperament type. The questionnaire focuses on behaviors and temperaments rather than preferences.

The Jungian Type Index: The Jung Typology Test

is a self-assessment that can summarize your personality type and recommended careers by identifying Jungian cognitive functions or explanations behind certain psychological preferences.

Related: Myers-Briggs Indicator: 16 Personality Types in the Workplace

4. Review your previous experience

Your job satisfaction in previous roles can also help guide your career choices. Identify trends in your previous positions, such as focusing on a specific technical skill. Also, review your job history to identify positions you found fulfilling.

Related: How To Get Hands-On Experience

5. Compare job requirements to your education

Many jobs have specific education requirements for candidates and new hires, such as obtaining a high school diploma, completing a bachelor’s degree program or having a master’s degree. Some positions also require candidates to have degrees in a specific field related to the position. Review the education requirements for jobs you’re interested in and apply for jobs that accept your current level of education.

Related: What Are Job Requirements?

6. Assess your current skill set

Make a list of your current skills, certifications and areas of expertise. You can also ask coworkers and colleagues for feedback about your technical, interpersonal and people management skills. This evaluation can help you find careers that match your experience.

Related: Top 10 Skills To Put on Your Resume (With Examples)

7. Note your interests

Depending on your personality, you may have interests that are particularly tailored for different careers. Examine your hobbies, past volunteer experiences and interests to identify activities you enjoy. While this information is outside of a professional context, creating a list of activities can help you narrow down your career path. For example, you may enjoy a career in cybersecurity if you enjoy logic puzzles, or you may enjoy a traveling sales role if you like meeting new people.

Use this knowledge to apply for short-term positions or volunteer opportunities to explore new career options. This firsthand experience allows you to test your suitability for a career. If you’re currently in school or have a job, consider taking a course or certification program that’s helpful for a field that interests you. This experience can help you determine if the career’s skills and content are something you enjoy.

8. Identify your core values

Identifying your core values can help you focus on a career you find fulfilling. It can also help you find fields or niche areas you enjoy. Consider making a list of qualities you think are important in a company or its employees. You can use this list to search for companies and job descriptions that share these values.

Related: Core Values in the Workplace: 84 Powerful Examples

9. Consider your salary needs

Different career paths can have a wide variety of incomes. This data can be a good start for determining how much money you might earn at first, as well as your earning potential after you’ve gained a certain amount of time and experience. While salary certainly doesn’t guarantee an engaging, satisfying job, it’s an important factor to consider when mapping your career path.

Example Career Paths

Here are a few examples of career paths in various industries:

  • Education: Teacher → curriculum coordinator → assistant principal → principal
  • Retail: Sales associate → cashier → assistant manager → store manager → regional manager
  • Restaurant: Dishwasher → prep cook → line cook → sous chef → chef de cuisine → executive chef
  • Editorial: Intern → editorial assistant → assistant editor → editor → senior editor → executive editor → editor in chief
  • Human resources (HR): HR assistant → HR specialist → assistant director of HR → director of HR
  • Marketing: Public relations assistant → public relations representative → assistant director of PR → director of communications